
accidental sampling中文什么意思

发音:   用"accidental sampling"造句
  • 随意抽样
  • accidental:    adj. 1.偶然的,不测的;意外的 (opp. pla ...
  • sampling:    n. 1.取样(品),取标(本)〔指行动或程序〕。 2. ...
  • accidental:    adj. 1.偶然的,不测的;意外的 (opp. planned)。 2.非本质的 (opp. essential)。 3.附带的,附属的。 accidental death 意外死亡。 n. 1.偶然事;偶然;附带事物。 2.【音乐】临时符。
  • accidental(s):    变音记号
  • sampling:    n. 1.取样(品),取标(本)〔指行动或程序〕。 2.样品,标本。 3. 剽窃拼凑歌曲。
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  1. Via accidental sampling , i made an investigation to the status quo of the employee turnover of chinese enterprises . the sampling consists of 1 , 432 resumes including 1 , 001 online resumes from 100 , 000 and 431 from 800 personnel files of the company i am serving now . the objects cover people from all provinces and at the age of 16 - 65
    取样包括对10万份网上简历进行筛选(依百分之一的比例) ,获得1001份样本,还包括从自己所在企业的人才库( 800份简历)中获取的431份样本,共1432份(取样覆盖全国各省、市,年龄分布16至65岁间) 。


    Accidental sampling (sometimes known as grab, convenience sampling or opportunity sampling) is a type of non-probability sampling which involves the sample being drawn from that part of the population which is close to hand. That is, a sample population selected because it is readily available and convenient.



        accidental sampling перевод:произвольная (стихийная) выборка; выборка, складывающаяся на основе случаев, не влияющих друг на друга (выбор "первого встречного"), и потому такая выборка не имеет вероятностного обоснования.


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  8. accidental singularity 什么意思
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  10. accidental slip 什么意思


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